FCBA Monthly Meetings

Bees are so important, so critical. We want everyone to understand just how much.

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Franklin County Beekeepers Association

August Potluck Dinner 

Monday, August 19, 6:30 PM

Our August 19th meeting will be at Second Congregational Church. (16 Court Square, Greenfield, MA 01301) 6:30 PM

This will be our annual summer potluck dinner and an opportunity to share stories and ask questions about how our summers have gone. Please bring your favorite dish to share.

We will share tips for preparing honey and wax products for the Franklin County Fair which is coming up September 5-8.

  • Come join us on August 19th, at Second Congregational Church
  • Address: 16 Court Square, Greenfield, MA 01301
  • Time: 6:30-8:30
  • Please bring your favorite dish to share with our beekeeping association.


  • PRIZE BASKET: We need items to fill the bountiful basket - honey, jelly/jam, candles, soaps, and bee-related items. Our Bee Products Prize Basket is always one of the most popular things in the Roundhouse and is one of our best fundraisers! Please contact David Moscaritolo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or text him at 413.325.3645 to arrange drop-off.


 We look forward to seeing you on the 19th and hope your summer beekeeping adventures have been fun.


The Cummington Fair is looking for a beekeeper to exhibit and sell your honey and related beekeeping items. The Fair dates are August 22 – 25th. Please contact Eliza Healy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested. The vending fee is $100 for the four-day event.


Art Canterbury, President FCBA



 Also, you can take this opportunity to pay your annual FCBA dues of $15 for a family and $10 for a single.  Please submit payment to Tom Graney FCBA Treasurer 206 Mill Village Road Deerfield, MA 01342, or dues can be paid at the monthly meetings.

We will have the remaining 2024 Field Day Langstroth T-shirts for sale.  All the Cool Kids are wearing One!












FCBA members